Cyber Security

Why Cyber Security is the future for students and individuals?

Knowledge about cyber safety is important as cyber attackers continue to exploit gaps and introduce new threats and vulnerabilities, teachers, parents and students must also equip themeselves with the knowledge to protect their devices and personal information.

It is also important for the country to gain knowledge about cyber safety because Cybersecurity is crucial and it safeguards all types of data against theft and loss. Sensitive data, protected health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), intellectual property, personal information, data, and government and business information systems are all included.

Cyber Security certification courses

Level 0

Cyber Security Fundamental Certification

Duration: 3 hours

*Basic  knowledge of Network, OS, Application & Data
*Have Interest in Cybersecurity

Topics Covered:
TO provide individuals with a solid foundation in cybersecurity concepts and practices, enabling them to recognize and address potential security risks, protect computer systems and networks and contribute to maintaining a secure digital environment.

Job Role:

Jr. Cyber Security Engineer

Level 1

Certified Cyber Security Pursuit (Beginner Course-CCSP A) (NSF Certification)

Duration:40 hours/8week

*Basic  knowledge of Network, OS, Application & Data
*Have Interest in Cybersecurity

Topics Covered:
Introduction of Cybersecurity
*Need of Cybersecurity
*CIA Triad
*The Three Pillars of Security
*Common Cyber Threats
*Cybersecurity for Businesses
*Breif overview of cybersecurity awarness guidelines for employees
*Emerging Technologies and Cybersecurity
*Future Trends in Cybersecurity

Job Role:

Jr. Cyber Security Engineer

Level 2

Certified Cyber Security Pioneers(Intermediate-CCSP A+)

Duration: 60 hours /10 weeks

*Basic  knowledge of Network, OS, Application & Data
*Have Interest in Cybersecurity

Topics Covered:

*Critical Risk of Web  Mobile Application security
*Network Security (IPS, Proxy, web filtering, Email filtering, Firewall, APT Detection, Next Gen Firewall etc)
*Threat Intelligence and Analysis *Analysis Techniques
*Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
*Incident Response and Digital Forensics
*Legal and Ethical Consideration

Job Role:

Soc Analyst

Level 3

Certified Cyber Security Practtioner (CCSP-A++)

Duration: 60 hours /10 weeks

*Basic  knowledge of IT professional
*Cybersecurity Course Graduates OR *Certified NativeDefence’s (Intermediate-CSSP A+)

Topics Covered:

*Critical Risk of Web  Mobile Application security
*Network Security (IPS, Proxy, web filtering, Email filtering, Firewall, APT Detection, Next Gen Firewall etc)
*Threat Intelligence and Analysis *Analysis Techniques
*Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
*Incident Response and Digital Forensics
*Legal and Ethical Consideration

Job Role:

Soc Analyst

Special Training in Cybersecurity for Different Sectors' Corporate (Like Healthcare, Finance, Government, Police, Army, Department Etc.) Employees/Staff

Duration: 6 hours

*Basic  knowledge of basic computer, Operating System, and Networking Knowledge

Topics Covered:
Understanding about the challenges of cyber security related threats in IT environment and introduce best practices to maintain cyber hygiene.